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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Response to "Milwaukee River rock throwing."

    A while back, Bigfoot Evidence ran an article about the video to the right. The user who uploaded the video, Russter1000, claims this is the second time rock throwing has occurred while he has been kayaking on the Milwaukee river. The full story can be found here. Another story Bigfoot Evidence ran some time ago was an opinion piece on how common sense can help determine the authenticity of alleged videos of the North American great ape. In my opinion, we can readily apply this idea to this video.

    Commonsense aids in debunking this video in many fashions. Foremost, jumping to the conclusion that something that splashed into a river was a rock thrown by bigfoot, with no other circumstantial evidence, is absurd. There are a ton of ways to explain this splash. The most common of which being a fish jumping. I've lived with a large river in my backyard all of my life and have had plenty of experiences like this. A small fish jumping creates a splash very similar to the one seen in the video. The camera quality, though very good, is not such that one would be able to see if a fish had jumped. This is a much more plausible occurrence. When dealing with bigfoot reports it is always best to rule out any other possible factors that could have led to a misleading encounter.

    Continuing the theme of ruling out natural occurrences, an apple falling from a tree could have made that splash. Or a large acorn. Heck, even a bird egg could have fallen out of a nest in the tree. All of these seem more probable to me than rock throwing. As a Bigfoot Evidence commentor pointed out, the splash from the rock is vertical, there is virtually no horizontal movement. This leads us to believe whatever hit the water did so from nearly straight up. Who throws rocks straight up when aiming at a target? If anything, other videos of rock throwing show the rocks to be quite accurate, landing very near the people in the vicinity. Some researchers go so far as to speculate that sasquatches hunt by throwing rocks. The rock in this video is anything from close to the subjects.

    The factor that most dismisses this video in my mind is the witness's reaction. "Was that bigfoot?" Really? That's the first thought that crosses your mind? Do you realize how fishy that sounds to everyone watching the clip? Even if that was your true, default response, it would be suspect. The line oozes with suspicion.

    From behind my laptop screen, I'm in no place to claim that this video is fake, but from what I've seen, lets just say I won't be putting much trust in it.

    Thanks for reading!

 - A.Z.


  1. It looks like the splash was straight up, Like something fell out of the tree. When I was young we would throw rocks in the water near fisherman. We hid in the bushes or trees. I don't remember any of the fisherman saying it was Bigfoot throwing rocks at them. Heck we were just being kids doing stupid things. I'm sure kids still do things for no other reason than it seemed the thing to do at the time. Someone could have throw a rock from the other side and it hit the tree and deflected down into the river. Who knows.

    1. Entirely agreed! Thanks for the comment!


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