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Monday, May 21, 2012

Could this be a Yeren-human hybrid?

**Update: I spoke with the poster of the video today. He had no additional information other than to say: "I found [the video] years ago and downloaded it. Recently I found it was no longer available online, so I put up a copy because I thought people could use it in bigfoot discussions."**   

    "Yeren" sightings have been reported in China since the days of prehistory. The name translates to "Wildman" and the creature is believed to be China's equivalent of the North American great ape. Typically reported as having red-hair and standing over six feet tall, the creature sounds like it could be a relative of bigfoot. However, sightings in modern times are less numerous than the elusive sasquatch.
As reported by Time
"More than 400 people have reported Yeren sightings over the years, and investigations in the 1970s and 1980s uncovered hair, excrement, footprints and a sleeping nest."

    But could this video show a Yeren-human hybrid? Reports of hybrids have surfaced in the past, though generally they aren't given much attention (it does seem pretty crazy). But recently, hybrids have caught the bigfoot world's eye due to Dr. Meldrum's conversations on the topic. The "hybrids" theory plays upon the fact that human DNA and sasquatch DNA are believed to be similar enough that copulation could result (at least some of the time) in functional offspring. 

    The following video was uploaded to Youtube by user "SamsBrainwaves" on July 9th, 2011. The user's channel does not have any other video of this kind on it. (I have messaged Samsbrainwaves in the hopes that he has more information.) The description accompanying the video reads:

"This person is the result of a supposed rape of his mother by a Yeren. His mother went missing for months. When she came back to the village, she hardly spoke, but claims she was raped by the yeren. She never spoke about it after that. Scientists have asked her if they could study him, but she always just asked them to go away and leave them alone.
The Yeren, variously referred to as the Yiren, Yeh Ren, Chinese Wildman or Wildman of China, Man-Monkey, or Man Bear, is said to be an as yet undiscovered hominid residing in the mountainous and forested regions of China's remote Hubei province.The Yeren is sometimes described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid, and some believe that this animal, or its close relatives, may be found around the world under different regional names, such as Bigfoot of the United States and Canada, the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal, and the Yowie of Australia."

**Note: parts of the video are sped up. This is attributed to an error during conversion.** 

    Upon watching the video I was interested in the way the man moves. His arms are very active, reaching out for support as he walks. I have heard some researchers claim that bigfoots grab trees and other foliage as they move through the forest, almost pulling themselves along. Given, I'm not sure how credible this theory is (I've not seen any video to back it up), could this be what the "hybrid" is doing?

     As well, the man appears to be much taller than your usual human. At 0:18 into the video, scale is achieved with the man shown next to his mother. Either she is a short person, or this guy is quite tall. His limb proportions and musculature also seem out of whack to me. It is a shame the mother doesn't want scientists to study her child. There may be much we can learn from this man.

    Information on this video and its subject is scant, if anyone has heard anything else about this man, I would be very happy to include it in this blog post if you wouldn't mind sharing it. 

    So what do you think? Yeren-human hybrid? Growth disorder? Let us know!

    Thanks for reading!

 - A.Z.

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